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    I am J.R. Skok, a planetary scientist, entrepreneur and explorer who is working to make our future multi-planetary while improving our experience here on Earth.

    On this page, you will find just some of the projects that I am working on to help explore our universe and build a better future. Please explore and feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or ideas!


GeoTagging Mars Science 


   Like many of you, 2020 surprised me with an unprecedented opportunity to stay home. In addition to the usual activities of gardening, baking, and wearing out the Netflix queue, I have worked to develop the programming skills to develop a long-standing project idea.

   As a researcher, I spend a lot of time searching for science papers on Google Scholar and even more time exploring the planets on Google Earth. What I want, was a service that would be the best of both worlds and show me where on the planets as science been done and published. To create this, I have had to learn Python, Javascript, HTML and just enough database entry to create a way to display where science has been done. This is very much an ongoing effort, but I welcome you to check out my first attempt at geotagging the science of Mars. 


Click Here to Explore Mars GeoTag Map


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Made of Mars

 A future beyond Earth will require us to build with the materials of Mars and the stuff of Space. Check out Made of Mars and how we might build the future.  

© 2020 J.R. Skok, Ph. D. All rights reserved.

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